About Us
Founded on Trust and Experience
From our founder:
I wanted to create a unique commercial real estate investment company, one that could bring the outsized returns that professionally-managed real estate brings to high-net-worth individuals and families - to regular people.
Most of our investors are young families, retirees, widows. Most do not have large sums to invest. Most need the monthly income our investments provide to live on. Most are not financial gurus. The key to our success with these folks has been trust.
For years I worked at the top of corporate finance, often also managing the finances of company ownership. I treated the management of these funds with utmost integrity, discharging what is known as a “fiduciary responsibility” over millions of dollars. There has never been a question in the minds of those I served that I would hold to the highest of ethical and moral standards. In truth I treat the funds of others more carefully than my own.
Today we are a professional operation with years of experience in the industry. We have earned the respect of our peers in the industry, the trust of potential investors, and the unwavering confidence of our existing investors.
-Robert Church July, 2021
Sustained by Honesty And Integrity
As an organization we take pride in the reputation we have for excellence in everything we do. It has been earned through hard-work, dedication to the mission, and a very strong commitment to excellence and diligent attention to every detail for our investors.
But nothing is more important than honesty and integrity. They permeate our business model. Everything we do, we do with pride, passion, and the utmost care. Our investors have come to appreciate our culture of professionalism, dedication, and excellence. If you choose to learn how we do things and ultimately invest with us, rest assured you’ll come to appreciate it too.
Highmark Equity Partners: founded on trust and sustained by honesty, and integrity.
Don’t Wait Until Tomorrow — Contact Us Today
We want you to be able to reach us in whatever way is most convenient for you. We’re available during regular business hours via the following methods below. Click the button below to contact us now!